Tuesday, September 26, 2006



I got slapped with a hungry stick around 9:30am, and wolfed down a yogurt. (One point) Good, that I ate, bad, that all I had was yogurt. I have to bag up some Oatmeal, and go to Family Dollar tonight.

I was only at work for half a day, and I gulped down a protien shake around 11:00 ish (hungry again- yet another sign that the yogurt wasn't enough - another point).

I ran some errands, went home, started making lunch, got interuppted several times, finally sat down to eat (a BTC sammich) around 2pm. Had chips with it, made two sammichs, only ate one. (2 points)

Then, got bust doing stuff, was full - and okay, until around 8ish, I suppose (ah, just lost a point here). Ate some leftover cheesy goulash of hubby's that I dotted with the remaining bacon. (3 points)

Took my last set of supplements around 9:30, was in bed by 10:30, sleep by 12.

I didn't work out - the whole half a day thing (lose 4 points - I refuse to count a weekday as a cheat day), but that's really no excuse as I HAVE weights at home, and I HAVE a piece of cardio equipment so - I just generally suck.

I REALLY need to set up a 'home' schedule, because otherwise I jsut sit on my ass and get jack ALL done. So. Yes.
And I need to start working on my grocery list - the monthly shoppin trip is this weekend, and I've got a whole world of supportive eating to prep for.

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