Saturday, September 16, 2006

So - henna'd last night (Henna #8 ) - did something a little different this time....
1 bag of henna
some conditioner
some honey
some amla/shikakai/cayenne oil

And left it on my hairfor about 14 hours. When I rinsed my hair out - it was - interesting. VERY different. I'm not sure if it's because of how mostly undisturbed my twist-out was - but - it was gorgeous. So soft, so tender, so pretty. I then did my usual DC - honey, conditioner, and more of the ASC oil...... that's sitting in my hair now, and while I can still feel the fact that the twist-out is still 'holding' a bit, I think it's going to be scarily easy to untangle.

I feel kinda guilty about thefact that I'm excited about anything that loosens the curl of my hair. I mean - I feel like I'm selling out or something - following the classic black womans quest for 3b hair. On the other hand, I feel like that's what I WANT - it would be - my vision of perfect hair.

*sigh* Ah well. I'm actually itching to comb my hair out - but I'm going to be patient, and wait for another hour or so.

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