Thursday, March 8, 2001

Good, Bad?

Urgh & Ugh! Okay… I sent a picture to Eric’s OD Picture page, and after looking at it and talking to a friend of mine… I realized that picture looks not at all like me now. I weigh more, I think I look at least a little older, and I have a HELL of a lot less hair. So, I went home last night, grabbed some pictures I took for Chef’s Christmas gift, went to a camera shop, got them scanned onto a disk, downloaded Photo Shop Pro’s trial version, fiddled and edited, found a site to host them… *sighs* And finally finally finallyyyyyy got the REAL pictures of me up. *raised eyebrow* Can’t you tell I didn’t have enough to do at work today? I had to hunt and hunt to find a site that let’s you just host pages…and can I tell you that most places don’t?? *sighs* Besides all that… I have a lovely headache, and I am sleepy…and I am going home to a dirty grubby apartment. *sighs* What a day what a day.
Anyhow… I need to start getting ready to get outta here…Indy that is. I leave to go to Atlanta on Saturday and I must say that my supply of clean clothes is NOT going to make it. And besides all that I HATE coming home to a junky place.. so that means that I have to start cleaning so that I will be all cleaned up when I come home on Tuesday. Blurgh. I’m in a really bitch bitch bitch mood.. but I don’t want to fall into that complaining mode.
Definitely an I-hate-work day… I should have stayed in bed. Hm. Maybe it’s just a Thursday thing…but the knowledge that I have to suffer through another entire DAY of this is just… icky. Blurgh.
I’m babbling… putting off stuff that I could be doing in favor of stuff that I shouldn’t be doing. I am a bad bad bad girl. I have this thing about repetition. I like saying certain things over and over and over again. (see?) *sighs* I am so in love it ain’t even funny. *grins* I’m…I don’t know. I wonder if I can go any faster any slower…does that make ANY sense at all?
Ummm…..i guess I should go and do some work now. Yeech.

Stay Jazzed.

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