Wednesday, March 28, 2001


Ugh…. I am so thoroughly disgusted. There is nothing that will ruin what was looking to be a perfectly good day like working on something for almost 3 hours, and then having the file get corrupted just as you are finishing it. And since what I Was working on was a gradual thing… there is no way that I can tell what got wiped out and what didn’t. *sighs* Talk about a downer….
I realize that I tend to spend money when I am stressed… and then I regret it the next day. And as most of the time I spend the money on food (expensive restaurants and the like) I can’t even take it back the next day. *sighs* But that steak was sooooooooo good. :) And as I have some leftovers… ohhhh dinner tonight is going to be SO fabu. And as I have been catching cabs like they are free *shakes head* It’s sad.
I am so in love. It’s almost sickening sometimes…yet it is consistently amazing. We click so well… *sighs* man… if we do ever end… I don’t know how it could happen. But then I guess most people say that to start out with … it’s an expectation of eternity.
I don’t have much to say.. just wanted to bitch about losing ALLLLLLL that damn work…but that will encourage me I’m sure to come in nice and early tomorrow. Though, there has to be a way that a report can be run so that I can just grab all of that stuff *sighs* I hope so anyway. Bitchin’ and cooin’…bitchin’ and cooin’ that seems to be my life some days.

Stay Jazzed.

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