Monday, March 5, 2001

Scared to Fly

*sighs* Tippy-toey, Tippy-toey. I can almost HEAR myself edging around writing. If reading about writing made one a writer, I would be a wirter twelve times over. But as it doesn’t… I end up just kinda tippy-toeing around it. *sighs* I am going to start taking the laptop home, and working on at least half a chapter a day…after I bang out the entire plot line. There is nothing worse than getting stopped in the middle of the book ‘cause you neglected to figure out what was going to happen next. The characters have been bouncing around in my head for a while now, and I almost KNOW what they are going to do.. I guess I’m just scared of letting them out. I will be even worse than usual, wandering around talking to invisible people. I think.
Oh mercy.. I am always so…so weak when it comes to actually starting something. I think I am scared of actually pulling it off and being a success. Isn’t that utterly ridiculous? *rolls eyes at herself* Well… Something small I can do to get my little toesies on the path to exposing my ‘art’ to the world is I am going to enter the Photography Contest here at work. The subject is Macro Photography and/or Repeating patterns…and I know I have some good ones in both of those subject already. However, as spring is blooming and all that jazz, I might also go out and take some new ones. The last time I used my camera was like wayyy before Christmas and that is just ridiculous.

Well… in other news. I am SOOOO out of shape it is a damn shame. I had to semi kinda almost run for a bus on Friday and it was just UGLY. *sighs* And I even have a hard time walking really fast. *sighs* Ugh ugh ugh… not a happy personal opinion day/weekend for Jazzy. No it wasn’t. I Must get my lazy lazy tail up and out and at em… I know that will also help me lose weight. MY excuse? Don’t have the right shoes… which is quite true. So why don’t I go and buy some? Do you know how much a good pair of sneakers COST?? *holds head and groans* I’m so damn cheap it’s a shame. Unless of course…it’s something that I really really want…then I will scrimp and save for it. Huh. Reading another diary gave me an idea though… maybe I could invest in a jump rope and start with that. Those suckers work you out. *thoughtful thoughtful thoughtful*

*grins* I am about to do a survey that I saw on IceChica’s page.. *grins* It’s another music survey…. And Rein… I do NOT have a problem. I can stop anytime I want to.

Stay Jazzed.

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