Friday, February 16, 2007

Ahhh.... it's been a while since I've written, laregley cuz well - same old same old with the hair.

I was out of town over the weekend, and I played with my hair (mangled it, more likely). First, there was the costume party that required my hair to be in little puffs - that was simple enough. But then, I had to do a quick flattwist (down either side of my head) as a style - and that didn't work so well. It's interesting - I think that my hair is getting THICKER - it's ALMOST the same length as it was before when I did that style (if not a little longer), but I can't get the hair to 'tuck' in proper - so I think I've slowed on length, and am gaining thickness (which is really just a different SORT of length) for right now.

Monday night, I did the RDC, and then did my usual flattwists - jsut a little skinnier this time - and it's VERY nice looking. I should have taken a picture when I first finished them - I'm the most pleased over these. The red in my hair is fading, fading, fading away - right now I have the most red in the front of my head, and it goes down the middle of my head like a reddish mohawk. The back hairline still has a good bit of red left on it too. Interestingly enough, those sections of hair are the 'looser' sections - a 3c texture, maybe.

Also! I've started to be able to see the henna on my hair - it's a interesting purplish cast in BRIGHT direct light. So - that's exciting, and gives me a push to keep doing the henna, besides all the other rocking stuff - eventually, dammit, I WILL have red hair. *lol*

I'm starting to think about cutting my hair again....last time was in late december, right? So, March would be about right.... the new moon is on the 19th, and the equinox should be the 20th, so I might do it that weekend - the 24th. Oh, poo, our anniversary is in the middle of the week - that sucks.

What else, what else? I'm pretty much at peace with my hair. I still am doing to Lenzi's on T/Th, and adding moisture M/W/F. I got some MTG in a swap that I'm thinking about using, but there have been varied reports about the safety in pregnancy, so - hmmm, I don't know, I don't know. The Lenzi's will last for at LEAST another 3-4 months though, so I've got plenty of time to decide.

I think - I'm not SURE - but I think my texture is changing. It's - interesting. I don't know WHAT'S going on up there, really.

Another interesting thing that I kinda sorta think I saw when I was flattwisting my wet hair - what looked like patches of yellow 'goo' on my scalp. I usually have virutally NO build up on my scalp, and I can't see them once my hair dries, so I have no CLUE what the heck it was....but I'm so not worried about it.

I think that my hair is breaking off more than I would want it to though. I'm thinking that it's still mainly the dyed/damaged bits, as it looks like the thickness is traveling down the twists that I do - but still.....I'm not super worried about it, just - murph.

It's cold too, which sucks majorly.

Okay, I think that's all I've got.

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