Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Keepin on...

I keep coming here to write something - anything - and I just keep falling flat. I stare, and I think, and it's like - everything bubbling into my head is just - pfft.

Tomorrow is March 1st (also known as Burn the Condoms Day), so that's one big thing on my mind.

I'm in love with my car (and I'm a neglectful new car owner that I STILL haven't taken piccies - tomorrow is DITL though, so I'll be sure to snap a few then).

I still am bored brainless by my job.

I'm feeling guilt because the kitchen is STILL not done and the garden hasn't even been STARTED.

Actually, I'm feeling pretty guilty about a LOT of stuff that I want to do and haven't started/have started a dropped/am consiously ignoring.

I need new shoes, and new clothes, and I don't want to spend money.

I don't know. I'm restless, unsettled, bestirred, and a little reserved, and so instead of 'real' entries, you'll have to forgive me if the best I can do is random surveys.

I'm trying to note (after a huge purging of my faves that still isn't complete), but....

I suck. That's one thing I'm consistently good at. *lol*

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