Saturday, February 24, 2007


Because I was out of town last weekend, I didn't do my 'scheduled' treatment, and jsut did a regular DC instead. Then, I was thrown off schedule, and forgot to do my Lenzi's on Tuesday. Instead, I doubled up on Wednesday, and did Lenzis AND moisture, and then did jsut Lenzi on Thursday, and did nothing but take my hair loose on Friday.

I'm sitting here now with a coconut milk/lime/honey/DC mixture on my head - I don't think that I'll EVER be able to do this one without it being amazingly drippy. Therefore - this is going to have to be one of the ONLY non-overnight treatments I have - I'm not willing to get my pillowcase all ick and damp and such.

So - I've had this in for about 2 hours now, and I figure I'll leave it in for another hour or so, then comb it out, rinse it out, then twist my hair up into some fat twists with some WP, and then MAYBE I'll try this new style I've been thinking of since my hair will be semi straight, and I'll have all day to play with it.

Hmmm. What else? Next weekend, I take new hair line shots. And three weekends after that, I can trim my hair.

Well...wait. I didn't go out of town last weekend - I was home, because last weekend was Hubby's Bday. I think I didn't do the coconut milk mix last week because I had planned on going out, and then didn't, and well - I just didn't do it. I did however cut some of my hair last weekend - I cut most of the red off my nape hair - it was amazing how - loose and - curly, it was. It didn't LOOK like my hair - it was - entirely different, and odd. I was thinking about wearing a fro, and I just got sick of the mullet - so I took my scissors to the back of my head. I trimmed about an inch and a half off - I can't WAIT til all this red is gone so that I can put away the scissors and just GROW.

And lately, I've been growing crazy, thinking that my hair breaking off and getting shorter and will.never.grow. I know, I know - crazy type insane - but hey. That's what I've been thinking.

Hrm. I think I'm done.

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