Friday, July 15, 2005

Damn - that was fast

Okay.... I knew all I really needed to do was to sit down and FOCUS for a second... here's the synposis of my first book (in progress).

The iLillium Chronicles - Book One
Dark Moon City

One downside of being abandoned and then adopted is that you have no clue who your biological family is - and for the last 25 years, Jacy Waycand has had no problems not knowing who gave birth to her. There are others, however, who know exactly whose descendant she is, and who will have no reluctance in using her to futher their quest for the ultimate power. They are the iLillium. Every faith has a secret sect - the Catholics have Opus Dei, the Muslims have Ikhwan , the Hindus have Thugee - and the Jews have the iLillium. Inheritors and users of the magic of Lillith, Adams’ first wife who refused to be subjectgated, they ruled the medivial world from the shadows with magic and sorcery, but they were always limited by not having access to the full knowledge that Lillith held - and they could not find a way to coerce her to reveal the full list of Words of Power. 600 years later, they’ve finally discovered a mothers weak spot as well as her final resting place, and they plan on using Jacy as a pawn in the ultimate power play.


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