Friday, July 15, 2005


Ummm. Hi?

This week has gone by in a blur of blurriness. My family arrived yesterday (sans my uncle, as usual *roll eyes*) and I spent the whole evening getting them settled in. It was very nice seeing them though - I've missed my mom & gramma. *pppppppphbt* Uncle.

This weekend? Um........hanging out with them, I suppose.  They are most likely coming over the house tonight - we are thinking about grabbing some takeout/something to go, and eating at our house - which should be fun. Hah. We soooo have no food in the fridge, so yeah - it's good that we plan on bringing something back.

Um. Bored STUPID at work. Stupid I tell you, stupid. And the consistent/persistant sleepiness doesn't help. Of course, if my ass got to BED before 1am, that might help a lot, ya think?

Talked to my doc yesterday - she confirmed that my IUD is remarkably low in the uterus, and it's NOT that it doesn't work anymore, but the efficienty is severely reduced. Going to see her MONDAY to get it yanked (ouchie - I hope that hurts less than putting it IN did) and to get a script for the NuvaRing - it makes no sense to get another one, as the shortest time they have is five years (which is the one I have now) I refuse to do Depo *shudder* and I'm even slightly nervous about going back to the hormonal stuff, as I became a miserable raving bitch on the Pill, but we shall see. Condoms suck. Gah, how I wish we could afford for me to get knocked up. It would be so much simpler. I wonder how that sponge thingy works.....maybe I should try that? But messy....ew. I've loved not having to THINK about it. I'm gonna miss my little tin man.

Umm....good seafood in Memphis?? Any suggestions??

*blinks* I've actually been writing  - I've got about four chapter of one of my favorite ideas done. Okay three and a half. I'm trying to write the adoption story now, and my brain is too damn dead to be properly creative - the right idea hasn't tweaked me yet. I refuse to think about what I'm going to do after writing it - besides rewriting it, of course. If I can keep up this rate of writing, I think I'll be done with the first draft by the middle of next month - which as I understand, is the easy part. It's odd - even considering how much I read, there are lots of things about WRITING I'm utterly ignorant of - like how the heck to do write dialouge? What's the proper punctuation? I've been really anal about keeping track of some of my most hated quirks in a book - weird timing, and....something else. Hell, can't remember what it was now. I think that today, I'll write the synopsis. Every time I tell someone I'm writing - they ask (naturally) what it's about - and I stammer and mutter and finally pull something out of my ass. So yeah, doing that. What genre? Fantasy, I suppose you would say.

Okay - now that I've gotten something short and basic to focus on, I'll do that.

I think that's another reason I've been writing here less - I'm usually actually writing, so journaling is like - eh. I try to note - but sometimes....brain fart. I think I might start leaving blank notes - I'm thinking of ya'll.....

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