Friday, July 29, 2005


Reasons to be happy today:
1) It's FRIDAY!
2) I got PAID!
3) It's not too hot, and sunny!
4) It's FRIDAY!!!

So - the plan for this weekend? Chillin & relaxin - I have an event to go to tomorrow night for the bookclub that I kinda don't want to go to - some chichi booksigning/speakerish kinda thing *yawn* and that I haven't sold any tickets for (at 25 bucks a POP!! the two people who I would have thought would have gone, are both out of town, so oh well) and I need to go shopping at lunch to see if I can find something to wear.

I talked to my best friend last night - but only for a hot second. I haven't talked to the child in - EONS - hell, it's been at LEAST 6 months - and she sounded - okay. Tired, and not as up as usual -  *sigh* and it's going to be hard getting a chance to really hit down and reconnect with her. Talked to her son too - oh my god! he sounds soooo grown up and so sweet. I know he's really a holy terror though.

Have I mentioned recently how SICK I am on the whole ONE BLOODY CAR thing?? We are going to go car shopping Sunday (I hope - but I'm not reminding him) and see if we can find something. Neither of us have really seen anything that we like - I kinda want him to get a bigger car - a wagon of some sort. Of course, HE wants a car that he can trick out *rolls eyes* so it's been a struggle trying to find a model that we both put our stamp of approval on. Gah. I'm really at the point where it's like - ya know, I don't GIVE a damn - just buy something all freaking ready!!!

Anyone selling a reasonably priced, gently used car? I'm thinking it might be right STUPID of us getting a new car, considering his track record with cars. I don't know WHAT the hell he is doing sometimes - but I've ONLY been driving for a little UNDER five years - and I've never been in an accident. In the five years that we have been together, he's TOTALLED two cars. Work wit me ya'll.....

Had some interesting dreams last night/this morning - was tooling around with my best friend and one of my beloved gay bois (whose feminie energy was VERY strong) and somehow we ended up going into this little roadside toilet thing - it was NASTY and the whole place smelled of old greasy hamburgers (it was right behind a resturant) and the toilets were 5 gallon buckets with a hole in the bottom and a pipe of water constantly trickling through. When I got out of the toilet (which I SOOOOOO did not use!) , someone came up to me and told me that I had won 3 plates because I didn't throw up while I was in there. We bitched about that, then got back in the car to go somewhere else, and I handed out gum and mints all around.
Then, I was watching something - TV, maybe? and I was watching four planes - dance, really. There were two HUGE jumbo jets, and two itsybitsy little planes, and they were all pretty high up, and the jets kept trying to push the puddlejumpers out of the sky. C rolled over me to look at the clock then, so I woke up before I could see what happened to the planes.

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