Thursday, July 21, 2005

*counts on fingers*

I've figured out what it is - I'm feeling PMS'y!!! *thinks* it's a good bit early, but yup - that's what it is. The urge to eat salty spicy crap, the general feeling of hating all humanity, the urge to crawl into my house and not move for about three weeks, the deep desire to whine about EVERYTHING, the twitchy, unfocused restlessness - *nods*  PMS.
Now - I'm not all that on point with my cycle, but let's ended about two weeks ago, so - *thinks* it's a bit early - but not too much so.

If it last for more than a week (or get's worse) I'm pulling this damn ring out, and telling my doc I want another IUD - pain or not - I can handle three or four days of physical pain much better than I can handle weeks of mental disturbances.

Things that have irked me today:
* It's cold as hell in my office - not like that's unusual, but IRK!
* Everything seems to be running very slow - I feel like I've been waiting on hourglasses all damn day. IRK!
* I have to leave my house once I get home to get my husband. IRK!
* I have a stack of documentation on my desk I'm supposed to be compling  - but the bloody documents WON'T open on my laptop. IRK!
* I don't feel like writing. I'm thinking about the big 'explanation of adoption' scene - and I can't figure out how to get mom to start talking. IRK!
* My bra is too tight - I must have hooked the wrong hooks this morning, or I've bloated up. IRK!
* I can't take a nap under my desk. IRK!

See?? Perfectly normal stuff that makes me wanna throw stuff. Ahhh....the wonders of the adult female body.

And just a note - so that later I can laugh if I'm right. The IUD doesn't stop ovulation. We had sex the day before it got pulled out (cuz I was horny - which is a lovely sign of ovulation in me). The ring doesn't stop conception - it stops ovulation. Sperm can live for up to 3 days.  If I get caught like Kimmie did, I'm going to die laughing/crying. I've got a spare preganancy test in my desk drawer, and just to reassure myself, I'm taking it on the 3rd. Holy shit - can you BELIEVE it's almost August??

My doula training is in less than a month, and I STILL haven't taken the childbirth classes - mainly because the natural *pause...hmm - that'll be a good source*  but the natural childbirth folx around here seem to have some flakiness/power struggles going on....and I REALLLLY don't want to take a hospital class first. Gah. Okay - must write some emails before I forget - ciao!!!


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