Thursday, July 28, 2005

Boob Twinging

I'll be sitting somewhere, minding my own business, and this itchy/scratchy/tinging/stinging sensation will shoot from somewhere in my boob towards my nipple. Sometimes it'll just flare up, and then just as quickly go away, other times it will just SIT there and irritate the living daylights out of me. The only thing that makes it go away? Deep boob massaging - but I can't really sit at my desk at work and grab/squeeze/poke the boobage.
It happens in both breasts, doesn't seem to be linked to my cycle, and personally - I think that it's my milk ducts twinging (mainly because of the nipple-centeric feeling - or did my mom tell me that?)- for what, I have no clue of, but maybe they are just making sure they are still limber. Or - it could just be the crappy ass bras I'm wearing. *thinks* that I think about it - it does tend to happen when I'm either in a crappy bra, or have gone braless for a day or two - so that might be it - the girls aren't feeling fully supported.

So yes - there you have it. An entire entry about my chest. WHooHOOO!!!

Edit: AHHHH!!! STOP IT!! STOP IT!!! Okay - in the back of my VERY paranoid mind, I might - MIGHT - MIGHT be pregnant. Let me go through the bit of amusement that I was pondering last week sometime....
The IUD stops conception, not ovulation.
The NuvaRing stops ovulation, not conception.
Our dilly asses had sex the day before the IUD came out.
Sperm can live for up to 3 days once they hit the uterus.
My last period ended 4th of July weekend - and the IUD came out ABOUT two weeks later.
*snork* I'm not sure what I would do....though I do have a test in my drawer from the last freakout session I had (I THINK I'm pregnant about 6 times a year.....dementia) and I'm going to use it on Aug 3rd, as that would be roughly two weeks after the above mentioned idiotic incident (I STILLL can't believe we had sex - and I didn't think about the fact that I was about to lose my protection.)

BUT!!!! To my benefit - this HAS happened before (the boob aches, that is)- and despite the current roundness of my belly, I I wasn't pregnant, just fat. What I'm waiting for (the number one sign for ME) is the utter, hopeless, tear causing exhaustion - and the feeling that my boobs weigh about 38 pounds EACH. Neither has happened yet, so I think we might have gotten lucky. Dumbasses that we are. Though of course, the little stick will tell me before I hit that point (I think.....I'm still not sure how far along I was when my energy plummented.)

so STOP it.

but's going to be a VERY long 6 days. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverrrry long.

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