Thursday, July 21, 2005


So. I'm enourmously grumpy. Okay - maybe not enourmously, but grumpy enough that I think I have an involutary furrow in my forehead. Mind you, yesterday, I was all sunshine & light - now I'm cavemanface

I'm desparately, madly, insanely hoping that I'm grumpy because I'm TIRED.  After spending a whirlwind weekend with my folx, and being OUT of bed BY noon both Saturday and Sunday (which is unheard of for me) and then not getting to bed until midnight/1am every night this week so far - and barely being able to make it to work by 9am....I'm sure it's just because I'm tired. One more sleep, and it'll be Friday. Oh, how I look forward to Friday. Esp. on weekend where I have utterly no good reason to leave the house - yes, yes, Friday's ROCK. We also have a two hour fun & games that'll burn up some time. I should see if I can make a lunch date for tomorrow
But then, I don't know if I should inflict my grumpy ass on anyone. See - and the reason I'm HOPING it's just because I'm tired is well - We don't do well with artifical hormones. I'm one of those women who will have to grit her teeth and just GET through menopause, cuz otherwise I will end up killing someone - most likely my husband. The Pill (after being on it for *thinks* almost ten years straight) made me TOTALLY fucking bonkers. I swung between depressed, violent, and manic in a lovely circle that started scaring even me. I knew I had to stop when I broke down sobbing in the corner of my apartment because C had to go TO WORK. Oh yeah - and it wasn't like it was a suprise - it was just all too too much.  I stopped taking them the next day, and within a week - I was all normal again.  So - this - Nuvaring thingy - has a hell of a LOT less hormones in it than the pill did, but I'm still paranoid.

*lays head on desk* And there's a farking CRICKET in our office. *bares teeth at it* *grrrrrrrrrr*

I read a short story called 'The Growling' about a society of warriors (men and women) and the men had been gone on some - quest - for almost a year - so instead of the usual mix of pregnant/recently given birth/not pregnant women - most of the women were not pregnant - and they were cycling in unison. And they were GRUMPY. SNIPPY. SNAPPY.  PMS*three all girls schools - and nobodys on the pill. Another tribe tried to swing through and take them out - and ay-yay-yai!! They beat them men like they stole something - twice - from their blind gramma.  It was a funny story - I need to find it when I go home. *LOL* I'm definitely growling.

*huge yawn* But I think it's just cuz I'm sleepy - see - yet another reason I know that me working + small children is a bad idea. If I don't HAVE to be anywhere, I can sleep on their schedule (however whacked out it might be) and I'm good at getting rested from catnaps. But working? And a bebe? Oh sweet jaysus, I would seriously go postal on someone - or have the worst case of postpartum depression ever - or both.

Okay. Let me go get some damn coffee out the damn machine and wake the hell up.



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