Tuesday, January 23, 2001

Of Chatting and Boobies.

*hums* Isn’t she lovely…Isn’t she beautiful… whatever is it…she desires…

Ugh. We have been together for a mere four months. *sighs* Well… no rush. No hurry. Each day goes by at it’s own speed. At it’s own rate.

*taps a little hole in the box of life*

hm hm hm. Totally random flooooooow of consiousness. Dang I can’t spell. Didn’t buy my house is a home thing this month. *sighs* No cash. *sighs* Haven’t gotten kitties either. *sighs* Don’t know if I can afford the food & litter & vet fees and all that other junk. I did submit an application for a job…and ya know.. I don’t think I have ever NOT gotten a job that I truly wanted. *sighs* Please let this not be the one that breaks the track record. And it didn’t look like there was a dress code… just Rocky Horror T-shirts and jeans. : ) I would work with that.

I’m not sure if I should be freaked out by the fact that my doctor called me, left a message just asking me to call him back.. and I still haven’t heard back from him. Should I be freaked? I’m thinking I should not be.. but really..how often does your DOCOTR call you personally… not a nurse, not a NP, but the actual doctor. .and leavea cryptic freaking message. *Sighs* I will not freak. Besides… I feel all better except for the whole sore hands thing. And the whole dehydration thing. And the whole muscle cramp thing. And the whole cold as a witches tit thing. : )
*grins* but really… I feel a hell of a lot better.

Anybody hear of this thing called ISCA? About *thinks* three years ago it was an amazingly popular bbs. Now… it’s not so much. I’m back on it and that certainly helps me pass the time while at work. But it’s cool… I get to chat and post and all that jazz.

*yawns* Hmm… Diary of a Tit Job. That should be interesting. Can’t wait to go to the doctor so I can get some go-ahead & feed back for me dieting. I have seen more documentaries on plastic surgery in the past few weeks than a little bit. And as I am horribly squeamish when it comes to blood on TV…I was really hooked. The one on MTV was rather ridiculously graphic to be… but then I don’t like some action movies because they show to much blood… so clearly me watching a surgery is out. Anyhow…I am still considering it… one of those things in the back of my head…but I love my tig ole bittes so much… *sighs* I just wish I could get a damn bra that fits. *sighs* Though it would be interesting to see what it felt like to have a pair of perky little titties for a bit. : )
I told Chef a few days ago that I have always wished that I was more like a fairy and less like a belly dancer. *grins* I have always wanted to be one of those short, frail little women who somehow manae to be bigger than everyone else in the room. Rather than the great hulk I feel like sometimes. Urgh. Hm…there are a lot of web sites for this….my main issue would be that I wanna feed my kids. And I have seen most placess ay that they canot guarentee that that will be possible. : ( major suckage.

If you can’t tell yet, I am talking to myself mostly here….I tend to write for myself.. or at least write as if I don’t expect anyone else to read. I think that is why I get so geeked when I get notes.. cuz it means someone read me, when I wasn’t expecting it. Well…

Stay Jazzed.

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