Monday, January 29, 2001

Drawn out Blabbering...

Ugh. I am soooo sleepy. Partially a food coma after eating a horrendously luscious and rich slice of Death by Chocolate, and partially because I didn’t go to sleep last night until almost 2am. It wasn’t insomnia, I just.. wasn’t really tired. And even now… I’m sleepy.. but I’m not TIRED. Anyhow… I was reading (I’m sure that added to the whole not tired thing) these cat mysteries, and so when I went to sleep, my dreams were filled with cats.

Meow Meow Mwwr… *sighs* I want a kitty cat!! I want kitty cats!!! I have figured out their names too… I did it just as I was falling asleep last night. One is going to be called Nikki, the other Giovanni.. or Gio for short. Nikki & Gio…. Nice ring to it huh? I wonder if she even LIKES cats…but then again…what kind of poet doesn’t like cats?

Hmm.. I’m on ISCA talking to a gentleman who is over 600 pounds. He is a model…for various things. *blinks* It’s odd…you see people who are very overweight *hangs head* but you never really put a number to it. Wow. He just showed me his webpage and picture. Wow…I shall never ever ever ever ever ever complain about how much I weigh again. I am blessed. Oh my god… okay. *blinks* It’s amazing… I can talk to perfect s trangers face to face about all sorts of sexual misadventures, but I am stuttering and stammering and blushing furiously while talking to this man about his weight. It that like a sad comment on the state of taboos in america… or just on the state of taboos in my head? Sex is not forbidden, and in fact is something to be vaguely proud of.. but being overweight… THAT is a sin that you can’t escape. Oh mercy.. I have fallen into the Beauty Myth. *puts head into hands and sobs*

ARGH! And then I think the stupid firewall is cycling… so I keep getting booted from my telnet connection. Dammit…he seems like an interesting person. Hm He is.
Reading about atheists… dear god, I think I might be an atheist. *shakes head* nahhhh. I’m…a person. A spiritual person. Yeah. I believe in god(dess)…hm. *shakes head* Nope… not going there today. I’m a pagan. Hmm a spiritualist? *sighs* *breaks out the box* I’m just JAZZY dammit.

Stay Jazzed.

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