Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Busy Woman

So - I've got four different things (five actually) on my plate, and I need to figure out the best way to schedule/handle them.

1) The iLillium Chronicles - one chapter a week (TIC)
2) Doula Certification - enrolled by May 1st - completed by January
3) Spanish - be fluent enough that I can doula Spanish speaking clients - so be good by Feb 2006
4) ASL - TBD
5) Exercise - 3x a week (and I'd like to be able to swim twice a week - I need to find a Y)

TIC - I will be able to work on at work most days - I don't see that being an issue.
DC - I figure that once I decide, even before I enroll (waiting on that pay!) that I should be able to deal with that by studying at least one hour a night, and fulfilling my other requirements (classes, birth attending) on the weekends.
Span - I'll have to get that CD from Bellisa when we have our 'open house' this summer - and I'm quick with language, so I should be good to go if I study consistently for 9 monthes.
ASL - TBD - if anything falls off of my plate - it'll be this.
Fitness - gah - more on that in the next entry - I like to keep the chapters really clean & separate.

So - okay - less TV, fewer non-doula books (unless I'm writing em) and more focus. Heh. I know I can do it!

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