Thursday, March 3, 2005

No more twitching (sosheclaims)

now, it's just mad busyness. I got the final confirmation yesterday evening, and now - whoosh.

I turned in the letter of resignation this morning, and my last day here will bethe 17th. My first day there will be the 21st. My first concern/push is going to be getting an apartment. I've got a couple of fish on the string, but nothing concrete yet. They offer storage for 90 days, so I'm still going to schedule the movers for the 18th.

I've got two weekends to work it out. I'm thinking that this weekend, I'll FINALLY go through my books, and start pulling out the stuff that we really don't need to take with us. Next weekend, we can drive down there, and make a final decision on an apartment (it's only about 7 hours away - I'll make C drive there and back).
I'm going to have SUCH a hard time focusing on work.... really I am.

But I must - off to work!


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