Monday, March 28, 2005

Life Path

First of all - I had a GREAT time with the Memphis Mafia last night - I'd forgotten how fun it is to sit around with a bunch of intelligent crazy woman and bounce from topic to topic with no worries - I had a GREAT time gals - can't wait to meet up with ya'll again!! 


In other news - I've been thinking about my long term plans again - largely because I think that my job is going to be close to a cakewalk for me - so I'm going to have to figure out what else I'm going to do to fill my time until I get promoted to something tougher. Anyhew - there are a couple of major things that I want to do/become, and I figure - hell, I've got no kids, got a nice new higher income - this is the time to start putting those things into effect. So - those things (not in order of importance are:

  1. Learn Spanish

  2. Learn ASL

  3. Become a doula

  4. Write (finish) a novel

So - the reasonings? The first three really are for each other - I want to be a midwife (that's my long term professional goal in life) and knowing Spanish as well as ASL will better help me serve a wider clientle. I'm going to start out as a doula because that way, I will (hopefully) be able to schedule my work/attendance to times outside of the 9-5, and I know that being a doula and assisting at births will either solidify my desire to be a midwife, or force me to decide that maybe midwifery isn't for me (I doubt it, but hey - it might happen!).

As for the novel - *sigh* that kinda follows on with the other things - I've got to be able to make a living (because I think that the midwifery will turn into a labor of love, and I know that - *sigh* midwifery certainly ain't the money maker that the OB/GYN profession is. Also - I think that writing is something that I can do well - before I left Indy, I collated all of the various story concepts/intial ideas that I've come up with over just the last five years - and I have at LEAST 4 series, and 5 or 6 standalone book concepts - some are half done, some aren't even started, some are barely concieved - but dangit, I think that they are ALL good.

So - I'm going to start a new chapter (does anyone else see my chapter breakdown, or is it set up by date?) that I can collect my thoughts on how I'm going to manage this process, as well as a catch-all for the information that I'm going to gather in figuring out how to do this best.

*sigh* Let's see if I can stick to this!

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