Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Howdy Ya'll.......

I'm here - all in one piece!

The move actually went really well - there were only two minor 'Ooops!' 1 - the movers missed two boxes & a vacuum cleaner in the closet, and 2 - my beloved husband left one of my bags IN the dang hotel room in Indy. Thankfully, my coworkers (ex-coworkers) DO still love me, and one of them sent her husband to pick it up and overnight it to me. *sigh* The kitties (drugged out of their brains) made it just fine, and our hotel room is actually rather nice.

Work itself - seems cool so far. Of course, I'm going through the horrid initial learning curve, but the people here seem to be rather laid back, and I think that I will be able to learn quickly and to share any additional info I have with them with no problem.

Also, can I say that my new laptop ROCKS? I mean - it's a tiny dell, but this sucker is hot hot hot. I want one of my very own. :)

Okay - had to put in a quick update, but back to work - must be the industrious busy bee, ya know?


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