Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Temptation: (the bad things I need to stay away from)

1: Work - this team that I'm on is candy/cookie/doughnut/cake/anything-with-unholy-amounts-of-sugar-in-it CRAZY! I mean - seriously, off the hook. Everyday that I've come in, there's either been something new, or the remains of the previous offering. Sucks - and it's right in my path to the printer.
2: Home - C can eat alot more & alot looser than I can and still manage to continue losing weight - I have no problem with having the 'not so good' stuff in the house - it's just temptation to eat/over eat.
3: Tracking - I need to stay honest with myself - not fudging the entries that I keep.

Resistence: (the good things I need to make myself do)

1: Character - I like being at home - I like going home - but once I get there, I turn into a slugabug. Making myself go to whatever exercise facility I settle on is certainly going to be a challenge.
2: Mental - sometimes, I feel like I should fight against the sizist tendencies of American society, say screw it, and stay fat. But - whatever it's root cause - I want to be slimmer - never skinny as a sista got too much ass & tits for all that - but slimmer. Going back to the ghetto of fat girl clothes is simply NOT an option.
3: Tracking - I need to be more proactive, measure, weigh, read ingredients - bring most lunches from HOME.

Acceptance: (the stuff I'm actually doing right)

1: Drinking water - I miss my cup desparately, but I'm drinking about 64oz of water a day. I'll need to get my cup to get back up to my previous 164oz, but at least I'm doing that right.
2: Tracking - at least I keep account of what I eat - not the best or most accurate accounting, but I DO keep it.

More as I think of it....

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