Saturday, December 23, 2006


More experimenting with new styles!! I think this style is ADORABLE - makes me look at least ten years younger - though it doesn't show up in pictures well. Well, I think it makes me look 16, I'll have to ask hubby if he agrees when he gets home.

ETA: *LOL* I had spoken to DH earlier, and told him that I thought it made me look unreasonably young (I'm quite proud of all my years!), and as soon as he walked in the house, he took one look at me and said 'My gods, I've robbed the cradle' *LOL* we agree, it's the part in the front that REALLY does it.
Now - is there ever a reason to look YOUNGER than you are? Discounts for the underaged?

I basically made about 20-30 two strand twists, and then twirled them into bantu knots (which are basically tiny, tiny, beebutts) and slept in it overnight. I had planned on using it as a style to let my hair dry straight, but this morning, as I untwisted them, my hair had dried into these tiny, tiny, tight little curls. I pulled the twists/curls apart a bit to hide the parts, and voila! I'm really interested in seeing how this ages - it might be a way for me to wear my hair 'out' without trying to wear it in in a 'fro or using heat to straighten it...

My hands are orange from the henna I did Thursday night - I forgot to put on gloves, and by the time I remembered, it was a moot point.

It was hard trying to get a GOOD picture of the curls...

I trimmed about an inch off before I henna'd, and I'm wondering if that helped me pull this off as well - I suspect that longer hair would 'pull' them loose - but still! Yet another style - and this is 'fancy' to me.

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