Friday, December 15, 2006

Ages upon ages

Wow - it's been so long since i've written in here, they've changed stuff up on me.

It's not that I don't have things to say - it just that usually, everytime I come, and look at this blank sheet, it feels - overwhelming - to even start. So, I'll kick things off with a little whimsy, and then do the serious stuff under the cut.....

On the twelfth day of Christmas, maatwomyn sent to me...
Twelve ibejimoms homesteading
Eleven maatwomyns unjobbing
Ten urban_homesteads a-cooking
Nine luellons composting
Eight gnolyns a-homemaking
Seven icbhods a-reading
Six doulas a-farming
Five co-o-o-ommunes
Four midwives
Three intentional communities
Two women issues
...and a kemet in an alternative energy.
Get your own Twelve Days:

So - since the last time I wrote, where I mentioned being nudged (and rather firmly, too) towards at least getting off me ass and DOING something - I've
1) Set up a wee altar - It's in my nook, and at some point, I need to take a picture of it - I love it, and I visit it everymorning to make offerings to the Akhu and the Netjer (currently represented by my handmade Ma'at - but she will be joined by others - I plan on making the most of this holiday season), and I go through the declarations, and I (slowly, slowly) teach myself tarot by pulling a card on a daily basis - I figure that sort of slow repitition will get me used to MY deck - and it will be a good spring point towards other decks.

It's been interesting, pulling and reading cards. For a WHILE (and dangit, I need tostart keeping track of the cards I pull & when) they were telling me to relax, stop trying to rush things, that guides/teacher would come as I was ready for them, and that me hunting for them was simply NOT GOING TO WORK. Well, FINE. And I stopped, and started moving slower, and ya know? It's working. I've been pulling a lot of Earth cards too, and many journey cards. I think I've only pullled TWO air cards and ONE water card - everything else is either Major Arcana, Earth or Fire. Umph.

2) Started First Realm classes with Summerland Grove - which is basically a root level introduction to Paganism. No, I don't NEED to be in these classes, but dammit, all the cool kids are in school, and I (shhhh!) miss learning in a structured environment, and I miss interacting with people who have some bloody sense, and despite thinking that I have a pretty good grasp on the basics of Paganism, I think that this will be useful. Besides all that, I know that I want to go at LEAST to 3rd realm classes, and ya can't take second without starting with first. So far, I'm really enjoying it - and taking the classes is giving me a slow entry into SG.

I've been - interested - in becoming more involved with SG for a while - esp. after meeting Trudy, and after hearing
[info]madrun gush about Anne, and jsut - the general VIBE of the SG people has been very - no nonsense dealt with/endured, semi-organized (as organized as you can get when herding cats) and just generally friendly and SMART. I don't do well with dumb folx. So - taking the First Realm classes also helps me get over my shyness - despite 'knowing' several of the people there - I'm still outside of their group - not part of their clique, and 1st Realm is a cheap way for me to get over my(self) shyness, and - interact, dammit!

Hrrmmm - let's see, what else is going on in my spiritual life? See - it's rather mundane really - it's a slow, slow, sllloooowww journey, and it's not til I've moved a good little ways along that I can turn, and look back, and say - wow! I've actually MOVED some. SO. Yes.

I'm seriously plotting on extending the scope of my LJ - I think that I'll add the mildy obsessive gardening & peak oil stuff here too, and I MIGHT toss in a bit about the upcoming babymaking. MAYBE. At least that way, I'll have someplace to write this stuff, as I can't get nearly as obsessive as I would like to be in my OD - I think it's just TOO public. And despite knowing folx are reading here too - this is MUCH more intimate, and much more - earthy, basically.

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