Monday, December 4, 2006

Tired. Tired. Tired.

But I'm not sleepy in the least - I'm just tired. The kind of tired that makes you snippy. The kind of tired that makes doing anything more than laying draped on a couch under a blankie seem not only unfair, but also rather mean. The sort of tiredness that makes you want to throw tantrums and stomp your feet and pout because dammit - if  you could just GO TO SLEEP everything would seem to be sooo much better. But you can't. Cuz you aren't SLEEPY.

Just tired.

This is what happens when I spend a weekend with the girls - I come home fraying on the edges - it's a delight to spend time with them, but my gods - I'm just plain not as young as I used to be. All I really need is a nap, I think.

A 14 hour nap.

On a featherbed.

On the beach.

Yes, yesssss...........................


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