Friday, December 8, 2006

I've been looking forward to trimming my hair - it REALLY needs it, for one thing, and - well, I'm just excited about it, because it means that I'm getting closer to having a head full of natural, mostly virgin, healthy, hair. My biggest question now is - how much should I cut? I've been eying the sections over my ears, and muttering under my breath about doing a HUGE chop and cutting off 80% of the dyed ends that are left - but I'm thinking that most likely just a WEE bit unrealistic (ie crazy). I'm still thinking about the ten twists bit, and how that will influence the amount that I cut. I would like to stick to just cutting the thinnest/weakest/messedupest bits off, and leaving the sturdy/healthy/thick bits. It's been interesting FEELING my hair though - I feel like I'm growing out a perm almost - the difference between the density/thickness of the virgin hair vs. the colored, as well as the difference in curl/texture - it's rather obvious, and I'm loving the natural hair.
Hrmmm what else? I'm noticing henna type color in my hair - I can tell the difference between my 'roots', the henna'd bits, and the dyed bits of my hair. Of course, it would take ME to notice it, in bright light, squinting at my roots, but I really do think that as I keep doing it (for many, many, years) my hair will gradually start to go red. The finest 'baby hairs' around my hairline are the most obviously colored - they are so thin that the dye makes a definite difference - the rest of my hair just say's NWAH! But - I'm hoping that it'll show up more clearly in the summertime - my hair gets lighter anyhow, so it should be interesting to see.
Hrmmm. I think that I need to figure out.... *laughs* I love this journal. I was going to say that I need to figure out a new way of dealing with my hair when I put it up under the showercap for conditioning, because slicking all my hair UPWARDs, and then having to comb it out DOWNWARDs - well, not the best thing. But - as I was writing that, I went - DUHH!! twist my hair into a couple of fat twists, wrap them around themselves, and roll on! See - just writing stuff out answers my questions sometimes.
Okay - it's taken me like three hours to write this, and I think I'm done now. I love it when problems solve themselves.
Now - off to investigate insulation!

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