Monday, December 4, 2006

I realized that the hairstyle I was rocking wasn't all that good for my hair - at least not all the time. I wasn't sure if it was new growth (hopefully!) or the part starting to break off my hair, but I was feeling a LOT of little hairs all along my part. So, I tossed and turned and thought - and came up with this new hairstyle.

The amazing thing - it only took me about 40 minutes to do this - and my hair wasn't even PARTED when I started. *sigh* and it was soooooooooo tangled at the ends - I used a little Oyin Honey Hemp to soften the ends, then combed out the part.....I so need to trim my ends - just another week until I can....

I'm thinking - seriously thinking, mind you - about trimming off all the red, and putting in yarn twists until I gain enough length to start putting it into twists again. But then, I think that I can do this style, even with a wee bit less hair. Hmmm... maybe not the twist bun in the back..... I'll have to think about it.

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