Monday, December 11, 2006


Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!

So. I've firmly told my husband that I will NOT (not, not, N.O.T.) thank him for wrecking my car - but this is what we will get out of it.

1) A new car - suitably slightly larger for the planned family expansion, as well as KICK ASS mileage, as well as big enough to cart shit home from Home Depot and the Thrift store and the like without having to pay for delivery. Urm - a Toyota Matrix, as I haven't mentioned that yet. All I'm waiting for is MY car. I figure it this way - Dammit, if I'm going to buy a NEW car, I'm going to get every.single.thing I want on it. A 5 speed with ABS and a moonroof and side impact airbags and the rear seat heat? In the pretty, pale, almost silver Cosmic Blue?  Oh, yes, thank you! What? You'll have to tell the factory to make it? Oh, that's fine - it's only fair for me losing a couple of grand in worth AS SOON AS I DRIVE IT OFF THE LOT. *pants briefly* Yes, I hate buying new cars. *wanders off muttering about depreciation and replacement costs* 

2) We get to pay off: Sallie Mae (the last of C's student loans), PLUS (the last of my student loans) CitiBank (the remmants of the WEDDING credit card) and Chase (the remmants of the REST of the wedding that was shifted to a 0% rate card). Which! Which! Besides, ya know, the new house, and the new car, and the store cards (Sears, Home Depot, Department Stores) means we are OUT. OF. DEBT. And dude - those cards are small enough that - I'm not even SWEATING them! And - the car, it'll only be a wee bit more than the old - still! 

*side note* C just asked me what I was doing, and I told him I was writing a journal entry.... he told me to include (and I quote) "Make sure you say that your husband told you that he falls in love with you again every time you smile at him....."  *fans self* *sqqqquuuuue* don't I just have the most SUGARY sweet man ever? (And he's hot).  *end side note* 

So  *silly grin still firmly in place* while, I DID love that car, and while I HATE the fact that he wrecked it - we really did know that if we planned on roadtripping/camping with a wee one (ie. carseat) we would need a bigger car. And seriously, I'm cheap (and stubborn) enough, that if he hadn't wrecked the car, I would have DRRRRAaaaaaggggeeed my feet on getting a new one, and lived with all sorts of irrtation and discomfort.  

And see, I'm telling YA'LL this, as I would never tell him this, cuz then he might start to feel SLIGHTLY less bad about wrecking my car. And sweet, hot, loving man aside - Dammit! I mean, DAMN! What is it with HIM and my CARS!!!  Last time, I said he wasn't driving my car anymore - but I mean really? 14 hour roadtrip? Husband? Yeah, right. *sighs* And it's not like it's just MY car - he's (we've) gone through 3 cars in the six years we've known each other - all totaled by him!! ARRGGHHHH! And I've driven for FEWER years than him.....I mean, WTF?  *deep breath*

Annnndddd.....we are also getting (after! after! those bills are paid off) a NEW BED SET. It's actually going to be here on Wednesday. I'm talking a BED. and....and... a DRESSER. and.... and... an CHEST....annddd *holds back the tears* Nightstands! With - little shelves on them! TWO! So we don't have to share! 

Seriously ya'll, this is like the NICEST bedset I've ever owned. I've tried to find pictures online, but haven't found anything close - cuz - it's LOVELY. And seriously? I haven't owned a PROPER set of drawers since - since I left my mothers house, I think. I faked it for a while with a set of cardboard drawers, and for even longer with milk crates, used as drawers, and lately, with underbed storage containers heaped in closets, used as other words ya'll, we have been faking the funk, and I keep my carpets very clean, because otherwise my clothes would get dirty. And sometimes, in the middle of the afternoon, when I think about what I THINK that I 'should' have - I'm rather shamed of how little I DO have. Then, I look at what I DO have, and realize, with some pride, that I tried to buy as little of it with debt as possible, and I'm proud and comfortable, and - maybe not quite content, but definitely pleased and satisfied with what I DO have. It is enough, for among the world, I am still very wealthy.... 

We still have to buy a mattress (because I refused to let the sales guy talk me into buying a mattress then and there - it was out of character ENOUGH for us to buy FURNITURE without doing reasearch (but we loved this set!!), so there was no way in HECK I was going to buy a mattress without at least doing SOME reading up on it!) but, I figure that we will go to Sears, and take a look (and a lay) at the mattresses there. I'm also going to get a dual heated matress pad, so that we can turn down the heat at night and still be comfy, and - *sighs* and, some Brand. new. sheets. I haven't brought a new set of sheets in - YEARS. Since college, most likely, as we are still sleeping on the same size futon - and as for the sheets that I got for the waterbed - one set came WITH the waterbed, the other two sets I got off of Freecycle.  I'm even seriously considering getting REALLY wild and crazy, and buying NEW pillows. *fans self* It'll be like a hotel bed - but AT HOME. And - we already have a huge king size comforter that we got years ago from Pottery Barn Outlet that I just need to make a duvet cover(cuz I refuse to spend 80 bucks on a damn duvet cover) for - which, the sewing machine, and the mondo cheap kingsize sheets I'm going to dig up will make most convienent.

This is a long entry for me, but - I get giddy about money things turning out well. I feel like this - even though it came from something horrid and something that could have changed (or ended) my life - is actually going to further plans that were already in place! I feel - rewarded, I guess - for being so. damn. cheap. And so anal about paying bills off early. This, you see, is my staunchly Puritanical side coming out (money is about the only thing I'm conservative about).

And babymaking? I haven't mentioned babymaking yet, have I? Technically, we are still in an holding pattern - we do not, I repeat, do NOT, have a go on babymaking.  But - make sure the runway is clear all the same.

Um, yes. In slightly clearer words, due to the above mentioned Puritanical streak, it has been decided (agreed) that babymaking should not commence in earnest before March (just in case the best thing EVER happens, and I get knocked up on the first try). But - all the same - in order to try to get conception as CLOSE to that time as possible (only 5 cycles tween now and then) I went and brought a Basal Thermometer today. I realized, despite planning on making my carrer in BIRTH, I really didn't know all that much about the process of the OTHER side of that coin, conception, and am halfway through the 20 lesson online course offered by  - and that convinced me that the best thing I could do right now to prep for right then is to start charting my temps.  I'm honestly in a total state of denial, and chose to believe that we will get pregnant in the first six months or so. If it doesn't happen, then I will handle that then - because I'm NOT going to drive myself crazy by worrying about it NOW. I'm doing all that I can to prepare for that (having these charts, and historical records of my cycles will help - IF I need to go to a fertility specialist) but at the same time, it's helping to insure that hopefully - we WON'T have to go that route.

Speaking of future fertility boosters, my ass is starting to widen again, because I haven't been to the gym in TWO WEEKS. Really, two and a half, because I didn't go so much the week BEFORE Thanksgiving either. Last week, I was sick, and just plain refused to go to the gym and potentially imfect everyone there. I fianlly stopped coughing the bloody crud on Friday, and when I woke up today, I leaned over to push myself up out of the futon, and nearly screamed as I put weight on my right wrist. Something is wrong with my wrist - I have no clue what (I'm hoping I just slept on it wrong)  - but it hurts like HELL - sometimes. Only when I twist it just right, or tilt it justtt so. And when I went to see Dexter tonight - I could see in the way that he looked at me that I had "LAWSUIT" flashing in bright red letters over my head.  After babbling at me about 'hairline fracture" and "carpal tunnel" and "bolts in your wrist" he strongly DISCOURAGED me from even working out, then, after me pouting at him for a while, he gave me a short list of things that I could do that shouldn't impact my wrist.    

It wasn't til I sat there watching Jane (the delightful 80 year old redhead who shares these classes with me) workout that I realized - oh. my. god. I MISSED this. I WANTED to do this. Dammit, I was NOT going home without lifting some weight. I did three exercises out of the six he suggested - I couldn't get a good, non-ouchy grip with the other three. I got a sprint, and have iced my wrist, and I figure if it's still sore on the morrow - I'll set up an appointment to have things checked out.  I don't think I've gained any weight (I've stayed OFF the scale) but my lack of crunches is starting to show itself. If nothing else, I will do those tomorrow. 


My WORD, but I'm chatty tonight, aren't I? Typing, thankfully, does NOT make my wrist twinge. 

It's been a while since I've written, I suppose. I have a whole REAM of words floating around in my head that needs to be spilled in my LJ..... and I think that I will wind up now, and go there before the flood ends..... 

Good night, and if you ACTUALLY read this entire diatribe, Gods Bless....    

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