Friday, June 15, 2001

The hunter goes forth.

Well…I THINK I might have found an apartment that I like. I’m gonna do a pro/con list for it:

Hardwood floors
Heat is paid
Close to downtown
On busline
Good water pressure

Have to move in earlier than I planned
On a busy street
Kinda smallish
No central air
No balcony

I think the two lists kinda balance out, so I’m not going to worry about it… (much). I have 3 places to look at tomorrow, one on Monday, and one on Tuesday. If I don’t see anything in that group that I like, I will go for this place…I think. If I have to move early, it will be a bit more of a headache because I won’t have a car/license and so I will either have to pay someone to do it or rely on someone else do help me out. Ugh…I am really such an independent cuss. *sighs* The other places are more expensive…so this place realllly might win out. I’m going to leave here early and go get the passport stuff done, then I am going to go to this other place that I haven’t been able to get in contact with anyone, but the place SOUNDS nice so I want to swing by and see what is up with it. Hmm… even though I have given a deposit (just to hold the place) I’m suspending a decision for a bit.

I didn’t realize that I would be shopping while I was in the throes of PMS… so I am going to have to be just disgusting analytical about the places to be sure that I’m not jumping into someplace emotionally. Also, I do think that I will take a 6 month lease…if offered, just so that I can browse around and see what else is available. Of course, it will suck to have to move twice in a short period of time, but I want to find a really nice place for me that will be as homey as possible. What WON’T suck is paying 420 dollars less for rent every month. That’s a car payment, insurance and utilities. *happy grin*

Um. I guess I should do some work now. Huh.

Stay Jazzed.

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