Thursday, June 21, 2001

It's crashing down around me...

Man…. I knew things were going bad on the project I work on, but I didn’t think it would all start coming down around our ears. Most of the team had gone upstairs to the café (which was odd as the food is notoriously NOT all that good…and expensive) and we were lounging a bit after finishing lunch. Then the three consultants who work with us came upstairs as well. A few seconds later, one of the team members came up and told us that part of the ceiling in our team room had exploded. We didn’t think it was THAT big of a deal, but after coming downstairs and actually SEEING what had happened… my goodness. The ceiling fell in right over the consultants’ desk. Scaryyy… they have kicked us out of the team room, and we are sitting out in the hallway in cubicles. Yeech. Talk about NO privacy… I don’t like having people be able to look over my shoulder. The thought of having to reduce the little bit (yeah right) of OD’ing that I do is ugly!!

Anyhow… me and Cheffy had a nice long talk at last last night. *sighs* I think things will be better, but I’m still holding back for sure on that point. Damn it… forget it. I’mma call him Corey… it’s a lot easier on my head. *sighs* The only thing that soured the night was that he didn’t want to spend the night unless we had sex. *rolls eyes* Men.

My head hurts. I hope there is no asbestos in the ceiling tiles…that would suck.

On the moving front: One of my co-workers told me that you can call The Church of Latter-Day saints and they will move you for free…all they ask is that you buy them lunch. :) I think I can swing that without too much of a problem. So that seriously reduces my overhead, which is good considering I DO have to pay the last months worth of rent in the expensive place, and I have to pay the pro-rate for the cheaper place. *sighs* I think I might change Gio’s surgery to just be neutering rather than neutering and declawing… it will be a little cheaper I’m thinking. *sighs* What I forgot about was the fact that they cash the security deposit check rather than just holding on to it until the end of the lease. *sighs* If I just had another week everything would be much much easier. Ah well…can’t bitch over spilled milk eh?

Stay Jazzed.

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