Friday, February 21, 2003

On Registering (Part 2)

Wonderful - I won't have to kill anyone at Target. Our whole registry has shown up, and this weekend (hook or crook) we are GOING to finish the rest of the registry. If I can get the new pictures of me developed, then our website will be done.
Please check it out and let me know what you think!! :) I need to get my mom to proofread it again - she so good at that kind of stuff.

I'm still debating the format for the "Family" Page. I want to do something - unique, but have yet to figure out how. Eh well.

The STD's are getting done this weekend too - Corey is going out Sat. night with his brother and one of his cousins, and I'm going to creep back to work and print out these blasted STD's. It's almost two weeks after I WANTED to send them out - but hey... I was most likely planning on sending them out too early anyhow. Of course, the fact that I don't have all the adresses (as I pick up the phone to fuss at my mother AGAIN) is kinda cutting into my plans.

:) But - on the good side - I haven't been having any creepy wedding dreams.


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