Friday, February 21, 2003


So - after the amazing success of the little bit of poetry I spewed at the Poetry Reading - I agreed to return another time. At first, I thought - no, maybe not, but then I realized that networking is all about making connections with people you usually wouldn't interact other words, I'm going back.

Our 'assignemnt' was to come up with a poem (or poems) using all of the following words:
justify tryst glean virtuoso edema parting catalyze cat bell forbidden

On first look, I thought the edema would be the hard word...after writing two poems, I've decided that as usual - it's the cat that causes problems.

But it's been fun - it makes it harder and easier to write. And it's shown me something else - that I can write without needing internal inspiration. I don't HAVE to be in a 'mood' if I have an exercise to work on - I use the exercise and the words to inspire a mood. Doing just this little bit has encouraged me even more to go out and get a copy of The Artist's Way the morning page thing is kinda scary - I hate getting up, and getting up early enough that I can write three journal pages - LONG HAND - is going to be interesting.
However, I look at it this way - I miss my art. I miss the creative child who wrote poetry and stories like it was nothing special. I miss being able to walk outside of my door and have images and scenes that just cry out to be photographed hit me.

So. Tonight (which is Corey's Coming to Town night!!!) I'm going to skip the gym. I'm going to go and get my nails done. I'm going to do a little shopping - especially in the Half-Price bookstore where I will hopefully find The Artist's Way - and then I'm going to go home, and read, and wait.

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