Monday, May 14, 2001


I had a lovely weekend… went out, spent money I didn’t have, FINALLY sent off my mother’s Mother’s Day/Birthday gift….slept.. washed clothes… took pictures… I just had a GRAND old time. Actually haven’t talked to Cheffy in a bit… I think he is sulking. *snorts* brat. Annnyyyywaaayyyy….I’m in a really good mood…expect for the fact that my underwear keep wanting to turn themselves into thongs. : ) TMI perhaps?? I guess that is a good sign though, cuz that means they are getting too big. YAAYYY!!! I’m also going to buy my ticket tomorrow *crosses fingers* I hope that it is not too toooo expensizze. *sighs* But I have GOT to get home an see my peoples…. I miss them so much. I need to call the dinky heads tonight and try to see what we can do… see how much we can get together. I am considering asking Papi if I can visit him… but that might be a bad idea. Humph. I want to pack light so that I can travel on my own…in fact I’m purposely flying into a particular airport so that I can catch the Metro from there.

Okay.. finally… after a LONG period of foot dragging… here are the lovely pictures of my sweet little demon kitty.

Artistic Giovanni


Sleepy Giovanni

Ain’t he lovely? Ain’t he cute?? Don’t you just wanna scoop him up and hug him and kiss him all over his fuzzy little face????

Well. I do! Even thought the fact that he sleeps on my hair tends to be vaguelllly annoying…. : )

Oh yeah!! I lost the harnesss that my coworker gave me (ain’t THAT a bitch?? ) on my way home from work, and so I went to the pet store and got a much smaller cheap one. He didn’t mind it at all… but I don’t really turst it because it only goes around his legs, not his neck. I KNOW how cats can wiggle, so I am going to go back and get the full harness thingy. *LOL* I’m gonna be walking a cat… can you believe it??

OH! While I was at the Arts Festival this weekend.. I SAW the Dream Orange color. It was the exact same color as the hot glass inside a glass furnace...which runs between 2100 and 3000 degrees.

Okay… I’m going to go and catch up on everybody that I missed cuz I was off on Friday…

Stay Jazzed.

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