Wednesday, May 2, 2001

Yeah yeah yeah.....

*shakes head* It’s amazing how time flies. I got ONE… only ONE room of my house cleaned (the living room) and barely that. The kitchen is still partially a wreck (the dishes are clean, the floor is not) and we aren’t even going to TALK about my bedroom….though just a good vacuum might solve all of that. We are also not going to talk my hair. *sigh* Gio is a crazy kitten… and getting a lot more used to me. I guess the poor dear was just a little gun shy to start off. :) humph. We are having a BIT of a litter problem though… I have the litter box in the hall closet (on a mat) and he will go ON the mat… but not in the box… odd yes?? I think I might need to change the litter to something less good smelling *shrugs* I’ll ask the vet when I go though. Speaking of which… as I realized that flea collars are icky things, and as I’m pretty sure the baby has fleas, we are going to the vet tomorrow… for a bit of a check-up, some shots, and some flea prevention stuff. *nods* I just have to figure out how to carry him there as I have no pet carrier. Any suggestions fellow kitty lovers??

I am going to work on my school work tonight, and that’s it. And play with the kitten… who is without a doubt a he cat. As he decided to let me play with him yesterday, and we were doing the classic ‘cat on it’s back attacking the monster hand’ I had a good look at his underparts, and they are without a doubt boy underparts. :) I have never had a boy kitty before…mainly because none of my kittys ever got spayed/neutered, and my mother wasn’t trying to have a male cat squirting everywhere…. Yeech!! This baby for SURE will be getting his bits snipped.

I took loads of pictures of the little dear last night. It wasn’t till I finished the roll that I realized I was shooting with B&W film, so they should come out pretty interesting. I am going to drop them off to get them developed tomorrow (as I forgot to bring them with me today) and get them placed on a disk too so that I can post pictures of the little angel as soon as possible. He rather enjoyed getting his picture taken…or at least chasing after the auto focus light on my camera…silly cat.

Um. Hm. I am having hormonal issues. I feel soooo inadequate for like anything. Of course, this feeling comes and goes like a breeze, but it is still rather irritating. I think the cause of my headache might be the birth control pills that I am on…as this is the only ‘new’ thing in my life right now. I have never taken this kind before, so my body is adjusting to it… and as I am on the ‘green’ pills now… maybe the sudden change from daily hormones to no daily hormones caused the headache. I don’t know. I will see what happens next month. If the same thing happens, I am getting OFF of these suckers. Being curled up in pain for a day every month is just outrageous. Hm. I would prefer to get an IUD, but the doctor wouldn’t give me one…*rolls eyes*. Maybe now since me & Cheffy have been together for nine (can you believe it??) months that might be an option. Ugh. Moody me SUCKS. And I’m tense. Blagh. I need a nap. Blagh. And it’s not even 10 yet… *siiiiggggghhhhhhhssss* blagh.

Stay Jazzed

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