Thursday, May 3, 2001

Normal, Indiana

Well…. One downside of going mildly crazy is you freak your loving boyfriend out. I KNOW he thinks that I am absolutely crazy as I broke down crying for no real reason last night, then hopped out of bed and slept in the living room. I don’t know… he was just rubbing me all the wrong way last night…hmm.. actually for the past few days. *shrugs* I don’t know if it is just me that is moody or if he is getting the grumps too. I know he is having some family issues…but… I don’t know. I think we will have to sit down and have a nice little talk. It’s nothing major just little stuff that I see has the potential to blow up into big stuff. He is closing tonight which usually means that he is coming over, but as I freaked out last night he will most likely go home. *sighs* Men.

I’m perfectly fine today though. Start bleeding and everything goes right back to normal. In fact, I’m in a really good mood. *shakes head* So him seeing me capering around the house tra-la-la-ing this morning freaked him out even more. I need to figure out a way to explain what is going on to him that doesn’t sound like I am trying to cover up some issue that I have… which I think that he thinks I am doing. If that made any sense.

I spent most of today going to meetings, or online trying to gather and understand information about IRA’s so that I could send my mom the information. She is getting a nice little chunk of money from her old job and she wants to invest it for a nice little retirement fund. It was actually more fun and not quite as intricate as I had expected it to be. Of course, I didn’t really get into the whole mutual funds vs. stocks vs. bonds stuff that is really the ROOT of IRA’s, but I figure I will do that on my own later. I wouldn’t feel right advising her on that…I love my mommy too much to give her bad money advice. I wrote her a veeeerryy long email about it.
Humph… she should be glad that I helped her out at all after that taunting little email she sent me this morning because ‘my’ Pacers lost the first round playoffs to ‘her’ Sixers. IT was only one line…but a single line of internet laughter can sting!! *grins* She’s a meanie anyway.

I am hooked on the Italian Cream Sodas that the coffee place by my office makes. I work inside of a partially remodeled factory (actually the last half of the building is still a factory) and there is basically a full service coffee shop right across from the area that I work in. They make the BEST cream sodas, and in such a wide variety of flavors… I could most likely get a different flavor every other day and not repeat for over a month. *sighs* And they are cheap too… at least compared to my usual coffee shop fare. *shakes head* I am such a lush… I was just thinking of how GREAT this would be with a small shot of rum or real Ameretto in it. *grins* ummmmmmmmm

I’m taking Gio to get his shots today, and I am going to drop off the film too. One of my kitty loving co-workers was kind enough to bring me a kitty carrier that I can borrow, so I don’t have to worry about the silly kitty trying to run off. He most definitely likes Cheffy more than he likes me. Ain’t that nothing?? He slept with him last night… *siiiggghhhs* I’m not even going to delve into that. Hopefully I will have pictures of the little precious by Monday.
And he figured out what the box is for. I cleaned the spots where he had poo’ed very well with some non ammonial stuff so that he wouldn’t smell it and think that was the right place to go. It seems to have worked as he has been going in the box. I think it MIGHT be a little high for him, but as he is feeling like a big boy, I will let him.

I have decided that I am for sure going to DC/Philly over Memorial Day. If I don’t get out of this city at some point I will go batty. The tickets are only 150.00 round trip (right now) and I will either hitch a ride or catch the bus to go up to Philly. Hopefully the whole trip will be no more than 500.00…. which I really shouldn’t be spending… but dammit I miss my friends!!! *sighs* I have GOT to get a cheaper apartment.

*sighs* 2:15… another hour and 15 minutes to go…. Well… off to play games.

Stay Jazzed.

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