Thursday, April 28, 2005


Look! It says better instead of my usual bitter!

We had a nice little chat last night - not even really trying to solve anything (we've both given up on solving our issues on our own) but more just - touching base with each other again. He slept with me last night too - though I, as usual went to bed first. It's - nice - just to be not angry with each other. And - I think he understands better how his withdrawing makes me feel - and he's even expressed some interest in maybe coming to therapy with me. I'm not sure if that's really what I want - I really think I need some time to talk to someone on my own - but at least he's willing to take that step with me if it's suggested/recommended.

I really wish there was an 'easy' way to fix us. But, I guess marriage is never easy - it's just not SUPPOSED to be easy.

But at least we can try to avoid making it any harder.

Maybe we'll have sex this weekend. ooohhhh.

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