Monday, April 18, 2005


(It's Monday and it's slow - until I go over to the Donagroup I'mma be writing here ALL day entry 2 of the day)

If there is at least one person in your life whom you consider a close friend, and whom you would not have met without the Internet, post this sentence in your journal.

One??? ONE???? My god - most of the good friends I have (save three) I met online. I'm still rather suprised I met my husband in real life!! *LOL*


Okay - I've been having the ODDEST dreams lately (and we aren't even going to TALK about me waking up at 6:45 ON MY OWN  - utterly unheard of).
Let's see - night before last I had a dream that I lived in this tiny grubby studio that was in this weird little cul-de-sac (did you know that if you say that to a French person, they hear 'bottom of the ass??" *snicker*) that was directly above some subway tracks. It was wintertime and I had just come home - and I see this trail of stuff coming out of my apartment - I run inside and I had been ROBBED! I was blindingly murderously furious (thankfully, I only ever get this angry in dreams) and I just sat in the middle of the floor and cried. Then, I hear someone coming in the front door, and I realize it's the robbers coming back. Somehow, I subdue both of them, tie them up, and beg them to give me my stuff back. Both youngish guys - one in his late teen's the other one about 12/13. They both laugh at me, and tease me, and basically tell me to fuck off. So, I dropped one guy onto the train tracks right before I train came into the station (the older one) and told the other one to either tell me where my stuff was, or he was going to join his friend. He told me, and then HELPED bring me my stuff down. *shakes head* Why does force always work when politeness doesn't? Later in the dream, I was on a train going somewhere else, and ran into one of my ex boyfriends - he's one of the few who I didn't keep in touch with that I REALLLY wished I had -I miss Mike sometimes - and it was cool to see him in my dream. 


Then, last night - I had this long dream - it lasted all night, and I know that because I was sleeping VERY light for some reason, and I kept waking up, looking at the clock, then falling back asleep into the same dream. Now though - I can't remember it - it was one of those 'real life' dreams though - where nothing really odd happens - it's just like living a slightly unordinary day through a night. And once again, I woke up at 6:44 (is that sunrise? Maybe it's the light coming in the windows upstairs that's waking me up?) Dang. I really wish I could remember that dream .... something will happen and the memories of it will pop into my head. 


Also - I need to find something FUN (and cheap - it's amazing how FAST money goes!!) for us to do this weekend - I think that now that the house is mostly settled (and it WILL be done by this weekend) we're going to be ready to get out and explore our new city a little. I'm suprised C hasn't been doing that much wandering - but then, I've always liked riding public transportation LOADS more than he did. *sigh* I'm worried about my baby - I think that not having a job for so long is REALLLY starting to get to him. I need to shower loving and reassurance on him tonight.

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