Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Generally Evil

I'm generally evil today - grumpy, sour, I don't think I've given up a real smile once. Why? Argh! No real reason - besides the rock hard ball o PAIN sitting in my pelvis that I stubbornly refuse to take drugs for - did ya know that most painkillers work by blocking proglanstins which are the enzmye that causes muscles to contract? Did you know that menstrual cramps are a signs that your uterus is trying to expell something that needs to get out (like a clot?) and therefore taking pain meds most likely defeats that purpose and leaves cruddy bits of old lining in there? Gah!! It sucks, it does, but I'd rather have a clean ute. *sigh* And I KNOW that emergency tampon of yesterday didn't help none, dammit.

I'm trying to get some information for work that a dingy lady simply can't seem to comprehend. What parts of 'ALL jobs that run in XYZ system', don't you get? And is it my fault that after you TELL me all of the jobs that run in that system start with a specific code, and I include that code in the request, and when I get the list and it is NOTHING like what I wanted - is it then my fault if I attempt to ignore the bullshit you told me in the first place and ask (VERY politely too) for what the HELL I wanted in the first place? *growls* No need to get bloody SNARKY chick.

And I'm so damn confused as to my mood towards my beloved husband I don't know what to do with myself (much less with him). I understand him, and what he wants, and I thin kthe issue is that not only do I not know what I want from him, even if I did know what I wanted I don't know how to ask him (especially in the current mood I've been in) for it in a way that doesn't sound like Ms. Queen Bitch of the World has come for a visit.

And I'm not tired, but I am. And I'm not sick of work, but I am. And I'm not feeling like throwing a big ole juciy tanturn, but I reallllllly want to.


And usually, ya know, I know exactly what I need to do for me to make me feel alllllllll better. *sigh* But I don't even know what's up with me, much less a suitable solution for the general frowncloud that's raining on me.

Amazon even sent me a notification for the rest of my books today, and that got a quick 'yay'. Just a 'yay'. Not my usual "YYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 

I would say I need chocolate, but that's not even it.

And I've got a FOUR pm meeting. The bastards. I suppose (as it's quarter til 1) I SHOULD go and eat lunch - but BLEH. BLEH I say BLEH.



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