Friday, April 8, 2005


As Torin so kindly pointed out ;) I never did write a 'real' entry yesterday.

Let's see - I worked a late shift yesterday (2pm til 10pm) and even though I wasn't very busy, I just didn't feel like writing - or maybe more accurately, I didn't have anything TO write. I still don't have much to write today (actually, I'm sleepy as hell as I didn't go to bed till 3am - that's the only bad side effect of me being able to sleep late during the week - my body wants to immeadiately switch to night-owl time) but....hmm.... let's do a weekend forecast, shall we?

  1. Unpacking/cleaning/filling waterbed

  2. Washing clothes

  3. Shopping - I think we will go house stuff shopping tommorow, and then Sunday I might try to go clothes/shoes shopping - I refuse to shop w/ C.

  4. I need to figure out a budget - I'm pretty sure we have more than enough luche, but considering the way we've been spending willy nilly, I need to figure out truly how much we have.

  5. Find a bank so that I can deposit enough money to cover my car loan/personal loan from the Lilly Credit Union....

hmmm..... I can't think of anything else off of the top of my head right now. C did most of the kitchen last night - after his interview, which apparently went REALLY well. I soooooooooooooo hope he gets this job - it's exactly what he wants, the pay is right, and it's convienent to get to from our house via bus.

What else? My brain is really ppppppppppppppsssssssssssssssssshhhhhhft today. Need coffee! ooohhhh.....coooofffffffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....................

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