Thursday, April 14, 2005

*grin* When it's going good, it's goin' good

*does a lil funky boogie*

Okay - before I left Lilly, my coworkers gave me a 30 dollar giftcard to Waldenbooks. When we got married, one of my friends gave us a 100.00 giftcard to Amazon. I go online today, and lo & behold - accepts giftcards from Waldenbooks and there's 40 bucks left from the wedding gift. So - I've got ALLLLLLLLL the books I need - there are multiple choices of what to read on the required reading list, so I just ordered the ones that look interesting and that I KNOW I don't own. 70 bucks and about an hour of lucious online shopping later, I got out with these books:

"The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth" Henci Goer
"Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn, Revised and Updated : The Complete Guide" Penny Simkin
"The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers : The Most Comprehensive Problem-Solution Guide to Breastfeeding from the Foremost Expert in North America" Jack Newman, MD
"Labor Pain: A Natural Approach to Easing Delivery" Nicky Wesson
"Easing Labor Pain : The Complete Guide to a More Comfortable and Rewarding Birth, Revised Edition" Adrienne B. Lieberman
"The Doula Book: How a Trained Labor Companion Can Help You Have a Shorter, Easier, and Healthier Birth" Marshall H. Klaus, MD

for .56 cents. *grins* FIFTY SIX CENTS!!!! Swwweeetttt!!!  And free shipping, so I paid for nothing but BOOKS baby!!! Of course, I have to wait like 3 weeks to get them (cussses about not shipping stuff in 24 hours like they say!) but stilllll!!!  

*grins* Now I just need to get those Spanish CD's from Bellisa so that me & the boy can start speaking in a different tongue.

Life feels goods.


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