Wednesday, April 6, 2005


As in, I've FINALLY got it!!!!!  The movers came yesterday, dropped off all of our stuff, and the uncrating guy came, put together the waterbed, and unpacked our glass table tops.

The house is FULLA boxes everywhere, but I'm so thrilled that I really don't care. Me & the boy unpacked most of our clothes (he's got a business meeting today and an interview tomorrow - so he needed his suits!) and some of the bathroom stuff - then we stopped, went to Molly's for some Mexican, came back home and crassshhheeed. I realized that I really don't have that many summer clothes, and even most of the stuff that I do have is either a) too small (dammit!) or b) not appropiate for IP's dress code or c) both. And my shoes - I almost wondered if some were missing, but no - I just don't have any nice summer shoes - they are all left over from last year, and I'm ROUGH on shoes. So - shopping!

Have I said that I love our house lately? I figure tonight, we'll unpack the kitchen and finish the bathrooms. It's - odd - trying to figure out how to organize everything and where to put stuff and all that jazz - but fun. It seems like we have so MUCH stuff - and we don't even have any furniture, as we left our old icky stuff in Indy.

I'm busily putting together a list of stuff that we need - I hope that it's nice this weekend so that we can do some SHOPPING! We are actually going to hold off on the furniture for a little while - but we need bookcases DESPARATELY.  I refuse to go through the chaos of unpacking all of our books before we actually have enough places to put them.  And of course, we also need all of the 'little' stuff - what's a good cheap household goods store? I figure - ooohhhh! My old coworkers gave us an $80 gift card to TARGET!!! Never mind! I know exactly where we will be going - so where's the best Target, and is there a SuperTarget anywhere? Also - any recommendations for a cute furniture store? We have a modern/airy style, and I'm picky. ;)

The kitlings are loving having us home now - I really think that they thought we were going to abandon them, the poor dears.

*grins*  Me & C were talking yesterday about how this is really the first home that we've moved into that we can see ourseleves staying at for a pretty extended period of time. Everywhere that we moved to in Indy had a 'temporary' feeling, because we KNEW that we were going to be escaping the city - and even when I first moved there every place that I moved into was kind of  the best of the bad, and I settled for it for various reasons even though the places may have been lacking in one thing or another. This house is - perfect. We love the city so far - and *nods* we might ACTUALLY settle down here - imagine that!

Okay - had to spread/share the giddiness and joy - now back to work! :)

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