Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Low Tolerance

Is it possible to have POST-menstural syndrome? Or, is my tolerance for idiots, assholes, and stupidity just gone down, once again??

I don't know what it is, but I have been in a 'bite your head off' mood ALLL damn day. Okay, not all day - I was sunshine and light leaving home, and driving to work, but I got here and I feel like the Dark Cloud o'Doom has settled lovingly over my shoulders. And I've eaten (and eaten, god, how sick I am of eating) so it's not like my blood sugar is low. I wish I took a tae-bo class or something, because whoopin some ass sounds like a GOOD idea right now...and I'd LIKE to be somewhat pleasant once I get home, as my husband has one of his rare midweek days off.


My utterly insane tail has decided to do NaNoWriMo this year - I don't make any promises to the likelihood that I will finish, but meh - at least I'll start. I'm trying to figure out where I'm going to write - I might do private entries here so that I can access my WIP anywhere I am. Maybe. 

ETA: I'm MindOfKiya over on the NaNo side.... so if ya see me, say hi!!! :)

Maybe I'm just tired.


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