Thursday, October 12, 2006


Why, yes, I AM still alive. Bullets, cuz I'm random like that.

  • I have instruction manuals for both the knitting machine and the sewing machine, as well as bobbins and needles and yarn and thread and the like. Now, I just have to muss things up, and turn my dining room table into a craft center.
  • Yes, we actually HAVE a dining room. The game room is DONE (don't you hear the angels singing???) despite not yet being fully furninshed. The living room is also DONE! (this time, the angels are doing the running man), but once again, still missing some pieces of furniture. We are doing our dammedest to actually SAVE up for everything and pay CASH - it's....interesting, to say the least.
  • We got a new dishwasher, and found out that the OLD dishwasher is locked into position because of the hardwood floor that was installed in the kitchen. After much swearing, shaking of fists in the direction of N. Tn (where the previous owner now lives) and brainracking, we realized that we can just LIFT the counter up. We were supposed to be all "Arrr, we are DIY homeowners" today and install it ourselves since C is off, but I doubt that is going to happen because at 7pm today I......
  • Have a potential doula client to meet. Everytime I THINK those words, I get a deep sense of utter terror. It's that good fear - the fear of stepping overa threshold, the fear of not measuring up to what I know I can be, the fear that *waaahhh!!* they won't LIKE me/think I'm too young/think I'm too childless/think I smell/dress/look/talk funny/and that I don't know SHIT bout supporting no mama's birthing no babies. I know I do, and I know why I'm scared though, so - I'mma be allright. My hands still go cold though - a potential client! Who found me through my website! And liked it enough to EMAIL me! *thud*
  • Ummm- have I mentioned that I'm bitter over the fact that it's bloody COLD!!! Okay, yes - I know that several areas of the country have already had (I have such a hard time with such a filthy, filthy word) but what's up with a HIGH of 58!! In MEMPHIS!!! It's supposed to be WARM, dammit!! And I can't go any further south - I love the ocean, but don't like it when it picks it self up and flings itself at me with galeforce winds. I'm wearing a SWEATER. and STOCKINGS. I have firmly decided that I'm wearing skirts all winter though - pants can kiss my booty.
  • Which, isn't shrinking as FAST as I would like it to (I got on the scale yesterday, and had gained EIGHT pounds - of course, I could also barely walk because I was so FREAKING sore, so I'm assuming it's muscle and retained muscle building water weight) but I'm actually starting to LIKE the treadmill. Okay, that's a lie. I don't HATE the treadmill with the deep and abiding passion that such a demon-possesed machine deserves anymore, but I still don't like the heifer. Other things I don't like are the manically grinning demonspawn that calls himself a personal trainer. The CIA pays good money for such skilled torturers (or so I've heard), and I think I have small twinges of Stockholms syndrome, as I do the same things to MYSELF - when he isn't even there. It's a twisted sort of pride thing, and dammit, it feels kinda good. It's scary. There's still too much fat on my arse to really appreciate the changes, but I can feel the difference - so, I'm still pleased.
  • Other things I'm pleased about - it's getting cooler!! (Yes, despite the bullet before the previous bullet). I can acutally get outside and do some work WITHOUT either getting devoured by the hordes of man-eating mosquitos, or melting into a dehydrated lump of goo. How exactly do you clean the outside of a house? A spray hose and a prayer? More preciously, our wrought iron doors are starting to drive me INSANE every time I walk in or out of them....just bothers me. Also, I want to build a compost bin (I have a rough idea in my head) so that I can start using all the lovely leaves that the trees are so kindly starting to offer. I'm also going to start plotting out my garden for next year (I've already started to prep out PART of the area) as well as some general landscaping stuff. Anyone have experience in demolition?? Mwhahahahah!!
  • We learned that unless we want to spend ABOUT 3 grand, we can't burn wood in our fireplace. *pouts* It's attached to an unlined chinmey, and well - that's how chinmey fires start, and I've really become rather attached to the place. ETA: There is actually already a gass insert - the previous owner (gods bless Mr. Wilson) had one in there, and said that it was quite a nice toasty thing. Gas ain't chep though - we shall have to see how much our bill jumps if we turn that on AND are heating the house. Though, I'm almost certain our heat is electric. Hm, hm, hmmmm.
    I'm rather pleased that we STILL haven't turned the heat on, but it manages to stay QUITE comfy inside the house. In the next few weeks, we will most likely start doing draft checks, and decide if we want to mess with the whole window replacing bit AGAIN.

Damn. I had a lot more to say than I thought I did. But I think I'm done............for now.

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