Friday, October 13, 2006

So.....another weekend without henna. I don't know what to DO!! I suppose, I could work on the house - really, work on the OUTSIDE of the house, as it's gotten cooler and stuff.
Hairwise, though - I'm going to try a citric acid co-wash, and see if I can wipe out my rough ends all together. I'm also going to make a SMALL batch of the KCC and see what I think. I want to try something super extra triple special deep conditioning/moisturizing... I'm thinking about honey + aloe + ACS oil (can you tell I'm trying to use it all up so I can make some CASH oil and not feeling guilty bout it?)


I want to PLAY. Maybe I'll experiment with a new style.... I don't really LIKE bantu knots (the remind me too much of alien headbumps), and I suppose I could practice my flattwisting (I think that I'm going to make TWO flat twists in the back rather than three - at least while my hair is this short).

I might henna my nails again! The henna is starting to grow out, and I really do like the color on my matches my skin nicely. Hmmm - that might be fun.

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