Tuesday, October 10, 2006

This was written Saturday, but I never actually posted it. *silly girl*


I woke up this morning, shocked the have a dry head - this is the first morning in AGES that I have not Henna'd on Friday night. Anyhow - I figured that since my hair was dry, I could do a nice deep oiling before I wash it, and see what my hair thought of that.

So, I mixed some of the jojoba oil and some of my ACS oil together, and just liberally globbed that on my hair. My hair feels - dry. The mix is WONDERFULLY dentangling (as I pull my twist out apart with my fingers) and it SEEMS to be allowing my shed hairs to come out much easier without knotting up. I'm also doing a lil massaging here and there - the ASC is making my head tingle (or maybe that's the biotin, I dont know). My hair is certianly delightfully curly - still standing straight up, but CURLY - and rather frizzy. It'll be interesting seeing what it looks like after I get it good and wet.

Anyhow - I'm starting to put together my SMT mixture.

The 'pure' recipe is:

1 part Fave conditioner (must be moisture), mine is VO5-Sun Kissed Raspberry.
1/4 part honey
1/4 part clear aloe vera gel (I use Fruit of the Earth).

Place in a cup and warm in microwave for 10 to 15 seconds--just until warm. Wash hair and squeeze out excess, blot dry, leave in under heat cap, warm towels or shower cap, what have you, for an hour or so. Rinse well.

I'm thinking about adding a DAB of henna (just a wee bit!), and some ACS oil.


So! It's 6:30, and I'm ready to start DC'ing my hair. I've got 1/2 cup premixed henna thawed, I'm going to add 1 cup of WR Water Blossom, 1/4 cup of honey, 1/4 cup of aloe vera gel, and 1/8 cup of ACS oil.. I'm going to warm the honey & AVG & Henna in a tub of hot water........then mix in the conditioner & oil and let it warm some more.

Well!! That was MESSY!!!! I mixed everything together, and it was even nastier looking then the henna was the first time - more like sick baby poo than regular poo (and my fellow henna heads will understand that!)
I wonder how many of the chemicals that go into commercial hair products are simply to make it pretty and prevent it from going bad? I mean - really - can EVERYTHING that your hair needs come from your kitchen? It would make sense - everything that your body needs can come from the kitchen, and your hair is a product of your body - so why not?
Anyhow - it made a lot - more even than the amount of henna that I usually use. I rinsed out the oil from my hair with wonderful hot water (I'm ALWAYS so excited when I can rinse out my hair with hot water, since I try to ALWAYS rinse my hair with cold water to keep the cuticles down), and then dried it a wee bit before squishing the SMT into my hair. As soon as it hit my hair, it turned into - water. I think it was the aloe vera gel, as it started out mostly clear before turning a faintly yellowish orange color (from the henna, I assume).
I'm guessing that it's not supppoossseeddd to be this drippy, so I think it must be the henna - I'll leave it out next time.
I ended up wrapping up my head like I would with henna (saran wrap, paper towel, shower cap, cotton scarf) in order to catch the flow upon flow upon flow of drips.
Hopefully, this will help soften my hair wonderfully and reduce the 'stiffness' from my over henna'ing.


So - I figure this will be in my hair for about three hours (that'll take me to 11ish) and I'll rinse and detangle my hair in the shower, and let it air dry before going to bed.

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