Friday, October 27, 2006

So.... I realized last night that I can redo my hair - WITHOUT having to comb through it. How brilliant!! So - I redid my hair last night - I'm getting better at this - esp since I did it WITHOUT combing it out to stretch all the little bits out... quite pleased.

But, asI was looking at my hair, standing all wild around my head, I realized that it's high time for another trim - my ends are starting to look very piecey and chunky and generally unhappy. But! I've been holding off because I wanted to trim with moontimes, and I kept forgetting to go and look and see when was a good time for a trim, so I haven't done one since - sheeeesh, I need to look back - it's been at least two months. And I've decided that I want to do regular trims until all of the dye is gone - I really don't want to grow out this poor damaged stuff.

Anyhow! Found a website - and *sigh* it looks like I'll be waiting ANOTHER two months to give myself a trim - Dec. 20, 2006 is the next best date - I JUST missed out on this month, but with the whole housewarming and all - ugh. Hair cutting was the last thing on my mind. So! That's that!

Also - I've noticed that on my 'short side' I barely have ANY dyed hair - it's almost all browken off... *poutpout* *strokestroke* But it's long enough to fit into my hairstyle (when wet and stretched and not meddled with - if I don't do any of those things, I just tuck it in with a bobby pin (I need to get more accesories)), and I suspect that it's actually the STRONGEST hair (once I stopped doing dreadful things to it like bleaching it). It's actually the MOST interesting hair on my head - stubbornly tightly curled, thick (THICK - and I'm talking density as well as strands) and just generally purty. And naturally, it's also the hair that I play with the most. *le sigh*

Anyhow - really just wanted to note the website, and the hair trimming date, and I really will try to start a photo journal this weekend... .Really.




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