Monday, October 2, 2006

Wow. I'm still amazed by my hair - and I've learned a few things.

I had to go grocery shopping Sunday, and since my flat twists were all wonky looking, I took them out, put some HH in my hair to make it combable, put two bantu knots in the front, and made - get this - a wee BUN!!! - in the back, and went out merrily shopping. Now, when I say a wee bun, I mean a WEEEE bun. Like - tiny. It wasn't really a bun, it was a bu. *L* But, I was pleased.

A few hours later, I finally sat down to start twists my hair - and like BUTTER baby. I had the usual 'fried end' tangles (I'm considering another trim before I do the yarn twists) but a little WP solved that, and I finished a head full of the softest, smoothest twists EVER. My hair was surprisingly straight (definitely 'wavy' rather than curly) and - interestingly enough - even straight - it stood STRAIGHT up from my head. I had a fabulous bit of a mohawk (product free!) for a while as I was parting the top of my head to put twists in. It amazes me that even though I have this enourmously fine hair, it isn't the LEAST bit limp - at all! Sometimes, I feel like I could pick a lock with my hair - tiny wires that they are. How can hair be soft of silk, and stiff as wire at the same time?

I can definitely see a difference in length (my front twist hits the very edge of the bone in my nose - that break between bone & cartilage) and the color has turned a bit more brown than red - I'm blaming that on the Amla mix that I put into the henna.

I think for my last henna (the LAST ONE - for a few months, at least) I'm going to do straight henna, maybe some paprika, and lots of conditioner - but no honey - to give the red a full chance to 'stick'. Mind you - I'm starting to see COLOR on my roots now. Ain't that a mess? It looks - light reddish brown, moreso than anything else - so I guess many many many applications of henna are needed in order to convince my hair to take. Umph. Figures. I'm thinking about starting to experiment with different KINDS of henna to see if that makes a difference. My FNWL shipment is out for delivery now (I LOVE online package tracking), and I want to try some Jamila henna as well - and some Musharaz. So - we shall see.

I've been sitting at work all day, stroking my roots - they feel SOOOO Soft and smooth and - tender, somehow. I'm STILL seeing splits at my roots :rolleyes: and I'm wondering if my hair texture is changing from the MSM that I'm taking, and THAT'S why I'm getting splits up there. I can't SEE a difference in the texture of my hair at the roots, but meh - who knows?

I'm going to go to the Fabric store near my job over a lunch break at some point this week, and see if they have a better selection of yarn. *sigh* We shall see (I really don't want to go to Walmart - maybe I'll try the SuperK up the street from my house as well).

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