Monday, October 23, 2006

Still on Track.....

More or less.

As always, the eating bit is HARD for me. Hard, Hard, HARD. I try to make good choices, but - Meh. Taint the easiest thing to eat every three hours like I'm supposed to - though, I have to admit, I do tend to get HUNGRY every three hours - my metabolism is starting to ramp up. I usually screw it up over the weekends by eating throughly stupidly, but I'm going to try to get better.

In workout news - PT is still an evil, evil, man - but I'm lifting - weights! Not little girly weights either - my lowest is ten pounds (and I grunt and strain and weep through each rep) and my highest is 35 (which, okay, is still kinda girly, but definitely in the weight 'building' range, not the weight 'toning' range).
I've also found my personal miracle drug - MSM. No next day 'crippled old lady walk' instead it's just a deep achiness. And I know it's not me getting used to the routine because a) EvilMan has been changing it up every week and 2) it works when I do a new routine or go up in weights - which - really, makes things even sweeter, because there aren't really any negative repercussions from working out. Cardio is still a beast (I'm up to 40 minutes!! FORTY!!!) and I need new sneakers pretty darn badly, but otherwise - tis all good.

I can tell I'm still getting smaller - I haven't hopped back on the scale, and I have no clue when he is going to measure us next, but I know that I'm getting smaller. Clothes fit just that LITTLE bit nicer (as I have very few things that really FIT my current size), my face is getting prettier and less piggy looking, and I even have a few tiny muscles (which are still coated with WAAYYY too much fat to really be seen).

I skipped lifting on Friday (I had errands to run and a VERY busy weekend and I just couldn't AFFORD to be sore - excuses, I know - but it's the first time I've missed a weekly workout since we started, and I'm looking FORWARD to getting int there tonight (DESPITE the fact that I'm period-achy, and really just wana go home and go to SLEEP), so no harm, no foul), but I am going to fully rock the casbah tonight.

Okay - with that out of the way.... things that I am going to do better.

1) Complete a full lifting cycle - I normally haven't really been able to finish a WHOLE new routine within the first week, so tonight, I'm expecting to do all my reps.

2) Get more protien in - I'm going to start having a shake as SOON as I hit the door at home at night, and once I get paid, I will be getting some vanilla/unflavored protien powder to fix in with my oatmeal in the morning.

3) Get in more water - I've been slacking on that lately - not drinking my usual 3-4 42oz cups a day - usually maxing out at about two - at least at work. I usually drink another 1/2 liter on my way home after working out/at home......that's a little over a half gallon, so that's not TOO bad, but not as good as I could be.

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