Monday, March 17, 2003


Even if, let's say - he DID decide to accept exile - what country would be crazy enough to take him? Obviously, supporters of that particular madman would have just made us (US) their biggest very-worst-friend.

War is here. Me and a friend of mine have a bet going whether it will start in the morning or the evening. It's actually rather umsettling that we bet on such a thing at all.
What's even more unsettling is the idea that there is most likely a girl my age sitting in Baghdad, talking to a friend, wondering the same thing. Luckily for me, I was born here and not there.

Does it matter that you swear off of TV (not even watching Children of Dune, just taping it instead) if you still avidly hang around and the alternanews sites? I simply don't think that I could listen to such...madness without feeling a little infected myself. I suppose I'm afraid that something will twist off in my head and I will start to agree with him.

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