Saturday, March 22, 2003


I never realized just how HARD it is to take a picture of your own hip.

Yes... I got the computer (a Gateway 400SP) and a digital camera (a Canon S45) and the tatoo (the firey one).

I quite nearly freaked out at Gateway over spending THAT much money - and for actually PAYING RETAIL. At one point I almost BEGGED the guy to find me just one coupon - just ONE sale priced item, but he couldn't. So instead, I soothed my consious by signing up for a super cheap (20.00 a month) CABLE MODEM deal. Heh. It's only 750Kbps, but considering I WAS running on 46.6Kbps, its a MASSIVE difference. :)
I think I'm going to be able to transfer all of my stuff from my work computer(s) onto here rather easily - if I was patient enough to wait and upload the stuff while I was at work, it would go faster, but I'm an impatient heifer, so eh.
I also - which I feel slightly guilty about - transfered Adobe Photoshop form the work computer to mine. But I KNOW that I will use it so very much, and god KNOWS I can't afford to spend the 600.00 it would take to get it.
I'm still surrounded my boxes and piles of paper. Everything installed smoothly (including the MS Office I had to pay an extra 300 bucks for - damn you Bill Gates!!) and it's wonderful.
The camera is fun too... I've finally managed to take a good picture of my engagement ring (which I will post over at the girly diary later) and of the boys, my little angels. I also took a picture of my Frog Prince - the permanent resident of my car which I have yet to name. I almost feel like naming it is dishonest to BabyGurl's memory. Besides, this car is so damn adrondynous, I've no clue what to call it.

The tattoo was cool - it only took him about 20 minutes to do it, and it only hurt in a few spots. Getting the black areas shaded actually hurt the least, and I expected them to hurt the point. Getting the tip of the longest flamedone hurt like HELL - but I think that might have been because he went over it more than once. I had to wait a while as the shop was really busy, but I had a good book to read so it wasn't bad at all. I'm quite upset that I didn't getthe ndrophin rush I was expecting - getting pierced has always given me a much better high. Eh well...maybe the back one will do that.

It's been a delightful weekend thus far.

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