Monday, March 10, 2003


It's interesting that almost everytime I try to SAVE money - I end up spending way way way more instead. Case in point - I want to get a digital camera so that I can take MORE pictures and not have to pay to get ALL of the film developed. I'd much rather be able to see what's good, what's bad, and what's workable before I drop the 15 bucks to get them developed. And lately - I've been getting them developed on CD and looking at that more than I look at the print version of the pictures. So, all around it makes a lot of sense (artistically and financially) to get a digital camera.
But - and it's always this BUT that causes me to end up spending more money - I don't HAVE a personal computer. And as tricky as I've been thus far - there is no WAY that I will ever be able to install digital camera software on my work computer. So - I'm looking into buying a new computer. I already know that I want a laptop - I've used nothing but a laptop for the past 3 years, and I most likely won't evergo back to a desktop - it's just plain not worth it to me. Of course - that up's the spending range even more.
Eh well. I'm getting a nice little chunk of money soon, and while there are so many more 'worthy' things I culd do with it (like pay back taxes, or put some more money away for the wedding, or pay off a little more on some of my credit cards) I've decided (and even talked to Corey about it!) to use the money to get a computer instead. I'm currently kinda sorta split between a Toshiba Satellite and a Sony Vaio GRZ. They both got GREAT Consumer Reports ratings, they both have everything I want on them, and they both cost the same. I think I might swing through Circuit City on my way home and see what I think.

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